Friday, May 29, 2009

bla bla paintings & drawings

I've been trying to get back into painting and drawing slowly after having stopped working as an animator about two months ago. Primarily, trying to finally learn how to paint digitally and doing some more finished work rather than just drawings. Here is some stuff I did in the last 2 weeks or so.

Hunter Killer

The Student

The Passenger

The Girlfriend

These were all quick sketches done as part of a daily sketch group forum. Most taking about 40-50 minutes. Its surprisingly relaxing to have a time limit, kind of takes the pressure off to know if the piece sucks in the end you can just blame it on not having enough time.

Two old drawings from maybe a year ago that I had scanned sitting on my computer that I applied some "colour" to last week.

Two studies of frames from this piece I saw on motionographer. I thought it was a really cool example of how much can be done with getting people to wear a bunch of random fallout looking crap and walking around the desert, pulling the entire thing off with sweet ass photography and design. hmm inspiring.

This one was kind of a breakthrough for me in that I think I found a technique for drawing digitally that I feel comfortable with. This almost looks like a pencil drawing, which is what I like drawing with the most so it was nice to finally find a way of replicating that feeling digitally. As for the subject, I was intending it to be more about the background but after I got through rendering the guy I felt it could hold its own with just the character....and I'm really lazy about backgrounds.

And before you go and question his validity as a viking, keep in mind that there is no actual historical proof that vikings wore helmets with horns on them. Many historians agree that the horn helmet thing was just a propaganda fabrication to portray the vikings as more barbaric than they actually were.

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