Monday, July 09, 2007

The Cac-tus festival

Here is a cheap offering of doodles from a few days ago. I would post more but I don't really have easy access to a scanner usually. These pages were scanned in a happy accident at work by our account manager, so I figured I'd make use of them. She titled the files "the happy cactus". Very happy indeed.

It's a busy summer but I'll try to post more often.


Robin said...

I'm dandy, haha

nice sketches, Marko

Eduardo Avenir II said...

cool sketches, esp. the 2nd pg bc it has u and hitler in it, fantastic =D

Anonymous said...

nice sketchs, jokes in some of them.

Kristin said...

awesome, as usual :P

sylv1K said...

amazing design!!really nice.

Eva Vázquez said...

Un saludo