That's right, uh huh, I'm taking some initiative and updating for an incredible second time. That's good for me. These are some drawings I did over the last few days that I think some of you might find amusing, for whatever reasons. They're mostly drawings done from some kind of reference, but exegerated, a little, I find it difficult to figure out the point to where something can be caricatured before it doesn't look like what it originally did. I've been attempting to get better at this as I have a tendency to just draw things realistically, so I've been trying to find ways to caricature things but still retain some of the details and subtlety of more realistic drawings.

These are some magazine girls, I like the way the cheeky one lying down came out, and
Randeep beeing eaten by someone, he probably tastes spicy, why? oooh I don't know :P

These are some gentlemen drawn from a book of tatoos, tatoos are hard to simplify, I learnt that.

This a penciley drawing of some old time lady from a photo, it's not very cartoony at all, I was trying to get better at rendering things with a pencil but I think it turned out too flat and the values not so controlled in some areas.

These are drawings of characters from movies, The Piano and Oh Brother Where art Thou, babyface nelson and such, fun characters, I enjoyed doing these drawings, it feels a bit like life drawing to draw from a film but with more interesting models.